spynotes ::
  July 10, 2003
The set up

First entry. Uh-huh. For any who might have stumbled their way into this blog, I strongly recommend you move along to future entries. this one's bound to be largely my own personal therapy against the phobia of the blank page.

I'm not so interested in writing a big personal introduction. I figure the important stuff will become apparent eventually, assuming I continue the venture once begun.

More relevant, perhaps is the question of why I have begun. I'm not sure I can really answer that right now. I'm currently working on a big writing project of a completely different nature and am feeling the need for another place to park thoughts that don't gel with that project. Also, reading others' blogs makes me want to write one. I have few expectations of regularity or content. I'd like to be entertaining, but this is really a very selfish endeavor.

That's all for now. I prefer middles to beginnings.

0 people said it like they meant it

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(c) 2003-2007 harri3tspy

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