spynotes ::
  December 23, 2003

Today has been one long series of annoying events. The morning started off with having to move everything in the house two feet away from the walls in order to give access to the exterminator who is, we hope, going to finally free us from the oppression of the invader ants that have been slowly taking over the house. I followed that up with trips to a local strip mall, the post office and the bank, all with AJ in tow. Given that it�s two days before Christmas, I don�t think I need to tell you why that part of the day was annoying. I had a very unannoying lunch at the local diner with AJ. This seems to be turning into a weekly date. He loves going out to lunch and it�s fun to watch him dig into a pile of pancakes almost as tall as his head. After we came home and I got AJ down for his nap, I got to remind myself why I hate SBC so much, while spending a half an hour on the phone with some idiot in the department mistakenly labeled �customer service.� I always try to cut these people some slack. I know they must be horrible jobs. All they do all day is listen to people complain. But my sympathy for her quickly eroded as she spent most of the time blaming me for my problem until I pointed out to her why it was SBC�s fault. I thought I was being very polite, but apparently she thought otherwise because SHE HUNG UP ON ME. Charming. Then I had to try not to carry my my annoyance over into the next phone call with a perfectly helpful gentleman at MacMall who was trying to help me figure out what happened to my order, which after several weeks has still not shown up.

I�m ready for full scale hibernation now. Or perhaps a really stiff drink.

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