spynotes ::
  April 07, 2005
Net results

I took AJ along for a ride to the �birdie store,� as he calls it, to fill up our jugs with Nyjer and sunflower seeds for all our returning birds. AJ likes to go there because, improbably for a store catering to avian needs, it has two resident cats. And they are not just any cats. They are astounding, superfelines. I think they must take steroids. They have cozy beds of towels in two of the birdbaths on display. One can occasionally be found curled up asleep in a basket of stuffed toy birds that chirp when he rolls over.

After investigating every fountain, birdhouse and windchime and after giving both kitties a thorough rub-down, AJ caught sight of an umbrella stand full of butterfly nets. �We could catch butterflies or fishies!� It sounded like a good idea to me, and so into the car went the net. As soon as we got home, he leaped out of the car and began running around the yard scooping at the air with his net, trying to catch errant leaves and bugs. Eventually he got frustrated with his lack of success. �When are the butterflies coming?� But before he slipped into tantrum mode, he took off once more, sprinting around the yard with his red jacket flying behind him. He came back, this time smiling. �Look, Mommy, look! Look what I got!� I peered into the empty net, perplexed. �I caught the wind!�

I can�t seem to catch the wind. I can�t even catch my breath. It�s amazing to me how much time teaching this one class takes. I am certain I am working harder than I need to, but I also don�t see the point of not doing the best I can. I need to figure out how to pace myself better. But just when I start panicking, AJ reminds me that there are other things that are important too. After lunch we took his new net down to the pond down the street to lok for frogs. We didn�t find any, but we did catch some pond scum, two waterbugs and a nice watercress plant. We also sat on the rocks and looked out over the water, rippling at the force of the days wind, smelled the newly exploded daffodils and followed deer tracks through our favorite woodland path. It was nice to get out of my head and out of my house and remember there is a world out there.

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