spynotes ::
  April 24, 2005

Scene: AJ�s bedroom, at bedtime, lit only by nightlights and a glow-in-the-dark solar system model.

AJ: Where did Max go?
Harriet: I don�t know, AJ.
AJ: Is he coming back?
Harriet: No. He died, sweetie.
AJ: I don�t think he likes being in a hole in the ground.
Harriet: Well, I�m sure that if he were alive he wouldn�t like it at all. But it�s just his body that�s in his ground.
AJ: So, where�s his head?
Harriet: It�s part of his body in the ground. I just meant that Max�s�.Maxness isn�t there. He�s not alive.
AJ: What�s Maxness?
Harriet: All the things that made Max Max. Like how he was afraid of loud noises and how he liked to rub your feet with his head while you were eating dinner.
AJ: And how he liked to eat macaroni and cheese? [on tonight�s dinner menu]
Harriet: Yes, just like that.
AJ: I think Mrs. Stein [who had taken over Max�s former job of cleaning up after AJ�s messy macaroni dinner] would have shared her macaroni with Max.
Harriet: I think you�re right.
AJ: I miss Max. I wish he would come back.
Harriet: Me too.
AJ: I would miss Mrs. Stein if she died.
Harriet: Me too. But I don�t think she�s going to die too soon.
AJ: But maybe when she dies, we could get some new kitties.
Harriet: Maybe.
AJ: Mommy, sing me a lullaby.
[Harriet sings a plainchant hymn, �Ave maris stella.�]
Harriet: I don�t know what made me think of that. I used to sing that to you when you were a baby.
AJ: Did I like it when I was a baby?
Harriet: Yes. You used to always fall asleep when I would sing it to you.
AJ: Without crying?
Harriet: Without crying. You didn�t cry about sleeping very much. You were a happy baby.
AJ: Did I laugh when I was a baby?
Harriet: Yes, you laughed a lot.
AJ: Why can�t I remember when I was a baby?
Harriet: I don�t know. Most people can�t remember when they were babies.
AJ: I miss being a baby.
Harriet: Why?
AJ: Because I do. Mommy?
Harriet: Yes, AJ?
AJ: I�m going to miss you when you go away.
Harriet: You mean when I go to school tomorrow?
AJ: Yes.
Harriet: I�ll miss you too, but you know that I�ll be back later and we�ll have dinner together.
AJ: I know. But I�ll still miss you.

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