spynotes ::
  September 21, 2005
Tiptoe through the ... Purple Haze?

Those poor people in Houston who�ve already evacuated once now have to evacuate again. I can�t even think about it.

I�ve been spending the morning reading a paper for my friend M which is making my head swim for all kinds of reasons. Because of this, I will spare you an actual entry and offer instead a PSA.

Here is an amazing version of George Harrison�s �While My Guitar Gently Weeps� played on ... ukelele. Wait, don�t laugh. This guy, Jake Shimabukuro.com, is damned good. The video is appropriately shot in Central Park�s Strawberry Fields. For anyone in the Chicago area, he�s doing a free concert at 6 this evening at the Borders on North Ave. You can also catch him in the Chicago World Music Festival, which opens today. You can find out more information about �the Jimi Hendrix of the ukelele� at jakeshimabukuro.com.

I will now have to add ukelele to bagpipes, accordions, and gamelan on the orchestration list of music I like but which probably annoys the neighbors.

[Yesterday�s entry was posted quite late. Click back if you want to read about AJ�s growing pains]

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