spynotes ::
  October 03, 2005
I get cheerful for an earful of music sweet

This has been a great news day.

First of all, the new John Adams opera, Doctor Atomic appeared and the mere reading of the NY Times review sent shivers down my spine. I can�t wait to see and hear it.

Second of all, Nicolas Cage has apparently named his latest offspring after Superman.

If the new nominee for the Supreme Court couldn�t be a liberal, at least she can be a Harriet.

AJ refuses to nap today, so this is the best I can do for an entry, I fear. He is currently upstairs singing �Six little ducks that I once knew� at the top of his lungs. It�s only a matter of time before he makes a break for it. Time to man the battle stations.

0 people said it like they meant it

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