spynotes ::
  November 01, 2005
Buried alive

I am utterly swamped today. Tomorrow I head to campus to do some work in the media center putting the film clips for the paper I�m giving later this month on DVD and taking an Italian exam. If I pass the exam, all that�s left is the dissertation. If I don�t pass the exam, it will delay my proposed completion by several months. I really need to pass this exam. On top of that, job deadlines are looming in 2-4 weeks, and I�m not where I need to be, so I�m forcing myself to turn off diaryland for a couple of days while I dig out.

One of these days I�ll get around to writing about the Maureen Dowd article in Sunday�s New York Times Magazine, in which she spouts her opinions on how the women�s movement has failed her. But in the mean time, read what dr geek has to say about it.

Wish me luck. I�ll be back among the living shortly.

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