spynotes ::
  October 09, 2006
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue

AJ�s been out of school every day since the last day I taught, which means I�ve been scrambling to finish up my class prep today. Consequently I have little to offer except that AJ seems to be teaching himself multiplication as well as fractions today. His teacher is going to think we�re some kind of psycho slave driver parents, but really, he does this when we�re not around. I swear!

In case you�re feeling inadequate � I know I am � here are a couple of, um, educational websites I ran into in the course of my work today.

And you thought Latin was a dead language! Here is someone who blogs in Latin. Oh, come on, don�t act so surprised. You knew it had to be out there. Carpe diem, baby!

Bored with the same old rabbit running around the tree scenario? Well here are17 different ways to tie your shoes. Your life is now worth living.

I�m not sure what this website teaches you. Possibly not to get a dog, lest you put yourself at risk of having your home invaded by gangs of roving percussionists. And you KNOW what those can be like. You don�t? Watch this. And be warned: they may use your toothbrush. Still, they rock.

What have you learned on the internet lately?

* * * * *

Results of the limerick contest are forthcoming. I decided to pass of the judging to those who originated the question. There�s still time to get an entry in under the wire.

2 people said it like they meant it

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