spynotes ::
  January 29, 2007
Sad Mac

Apparently, the grief counselling I attempted to visit on my household electronics after the mass suicide of two printers and a washing machine a couple of weeks ago was unsuccessful. My computer has apparently joined the cult as well. It is either a $330 problem (the cost of a new hard drive, including installation which may or may not fix it but probably will for a while) or a $1500 problem -- i.e., the cost of a new laptop. I'm trying to decide what to do (any suggestions would be more than welcome). Really, the new laptop is only a matter of time. And I would be upgrading to the new Intel chip Mac from my old titanium powerbook. The question is, do I want to spend the money on it now? Or all the set up time it requires? The timing is stunningly bad. Meanwhile, the best I can do at the moment is work on Mr. Spy's computer while he's having lunch. And his spacebar requires great force to get it to operate. My right thumb is already tired.

It appears that I have lost the last two weeks of work -- the rest is backed up on my freestanding hard drive. So it could be worse. I should be able to pretty much reconstruct it. But I hate that I have to. I'm feeling very sorry for myself today. And also sorry for Mr. Spy for having to type on the keyboard all day long.

And by the way, Mr. Spy has started his blog. I will not be linking here, because he is using his real name and also because I'm not sure he would want me to. But hooray for Mr. Spy!

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