spynotes ::
  February 05, 2006
Mighty Butt

Scene: Harriet�s car, on the way to the supermarket.

AJ: I can see really far away. I can see like 100,000 miles.

Harriet: Wow! You must have eagle eyes!

AJ: What are eagle eyes?

Harriet: That just means you can see really, really far.

AJ: Oh, like Mighty Butt.

Harriet: Mighty Butt?

AJ: (giggles) No! Not Mighty Butt. Mighty BUG!

Harriet: Oh, Mighty Bug. From TV. He has eagle eyes, huh?

AJ: Yeah. But there should be a Mighty Butt.

Harriet: I don�t know if I want to know what Mighty Butt can do. I don�t think I want to be around when Mighty Butt is fighting crime.

AJ: Why not?

Harriet: Well, maybe he farts a lot to make the criminals run away.

AJ: (laughs hysterically) Or maybe he�s Mighty Butt because he never farts.

Harriet: (giggling like a 4-year-old). Yeah. Maybe that�s why he�s mighty.

AJ: He�s so big because he never farts. (He completely cracks up and we spend the rest of the trip to the store laughing like Beavis and Butthead and singing along with Three Dog Night to �Joy to the World� at the top of our lungs.

* * * * *

Currently I am continuing the indulgence of my inner 4-year-old by watching the Puppy Bowl, or, mores specifically, the Puppy Bowl�s Kitty Half-Time Show. AJ is smitten with the kitties and has taken to voicing what he thinks the kitties would be saying if they could talk. I have to say that this is some of the best television I�ve seen in a long time. If there were an all-Puppy Bowl channel, I think it would be watched regularly in this household. Meanwhile, AJ seems to want to be a part of the action. He has just said, �Mommy, when I see yarn I turn into a cat.�

And there you have it � a boy who thinks he�s a cat and a giant butt that fights crime. Sundays at the Harriet house are never dull.

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