spynotes ::
  April 03, 2007
Leptocoris trivittatus

Today's forecast calls for a high of 65 degrees with snow flurries likely after midnight. Don't you love early spring? I'm going to have to rethink my Easter attire.

Other annoying things about spring:

Runny noses for all
AJ's incessant sneezing and red-eyed mopeyness
The annual reign of terror of the box elder bugs
Thunderstorms that make AJ quake and cover his ears
Mud everywhere
Birds waking us up at the crack of dawn

But these things are all outweighed by the loveliness

Yellow: daffodils, forsythia, marsh marigolds
Purple: redbud, crocuses, hellebores
Thunderstorms that light up the night sky
Mud everywhere
Frogs in the full-to-the-brim stream croaking us to sleep at night

We are full of celebrations this week. Yesterday, in honor of White Sox opening day, we lunched on hot dogs. Saturday is AJ's birthday party. And Sunday we go to Easter dinner at my mother-in-law's, where AJ will also have a small family birthday celebration. Most of these will involve large quantities of food and drink that are probably not very good for us (at least three cakes are anticipated this weekend) and also some baseball in one form (on TV) or another (played in the backyard or with foam rubber balls in a big gym). With the world flushing in color, it is the perfect way for things to be. If only it weren't for another spring annoyance:


[There was a late and lengthy entry about my grandmother's descent into Alzheimer's last night. Click back if you missed it.]

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