
Smed - 2006-02-06 22:10:22
Katie has decided to explore every envelope known to 4-year old kind, and push them all at once. Often. A phase, I'm sure - but where's that sweet girl o' mine?
rs536-2000 - 2006-02-06 22:46:36
Sorry about all the stress. February is a very blah month, but Spring is sure to come, right?
elgan - 2006-02-06 23:12:38
Your last sentence was the truest e�er written. Brava! Now, just stand by your words, and everything will be fine.
claudia - 2006-02-07 09:03:50
Yes, that is the key to parenting, guiding them but not getting in the way, not assuming we have to butt in and "solve" problems that either don't exist or that they can solve for themselves. Dusty's also a very kind person to others and doesn't understand why kids are mean to each other. Sigh!
lemming - 2006-02-07 09:09:27
Hang in there - after spending a long time working on the diss (not that I would know anything about such things) moments or even months of burn-out are inevitable. Go with the flow, but don't be afraid to do something unusual to break up the routine.I suggest reading a copy of People magazine cover to cover or some similiarly mindless activity. your in dissertation angst and apathy (insert Chariots of Fire theme music)
borogoves - 2006-02-07 14:30:22
i hear you on the dissertation burn-out. i'm finding lately that people who hear i'm almost done! finishing up! doing revisions! inevitably congratulate me and often want to know what the diss is about, and all i want to say is "you don't care. hell, *I* don't care. no one's going to read it. it sucks. this sucks. i hate my research, my diss, my office, and my computer. all i want to do is have a real job, complete with suit, pumps, commute, annoying coworker, and no fucking obligations in the evening." what i generally do instead is launch into some half-hearted attempt to make my diss sound interesting and hope that someone interrupts me. saved by the bell.

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