
Smed - 2006-02-10 12:33:14
The car on its side? Hmmmm....
Erin - 2006-02-10 12:42:34're not angry? And the car isn't damaged? And how did you get it back on it's wheels? I'm confused.
Harriet - 2006-02-10 13:10:06
Strangely, no anger in the dream. Just mystification at how the car had got there. And we didn't put it back on wheels. Just left it there and took the other car. Weird.
elgan - 2006-02-10 14:50:53
It was a car, not a cow? I've heard of cow tipping before, but car tipping? Well, now that you mention it, my brother's friends used to tip VW beetles.
Harriet - 2006-02-10 15:03:21
I am ashamed to say that I have been cow tipping and let me offer this advice to you: Never tip a bull.
Erin. - 2006-02-11 09:59:31
oh, it was a dream. I missed that part. Now it all makes sense.

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