
Elgan - 2006-03-15 20:41:05
Could the illustrator merely be expressing a sense of nonsequitur humour? It sounds pretty funny to me.
borogoves - 2006-03-15 20:42:04
i'm voting for the (ridiculous) stats being a results of the graphics guy either (a) not actually reading the article and/or (b) not having a clue about statistics and just thinking that the graphic was "cute."
lemming - 2006-03-15 20:53:54
Take it from me - unless you come with a buddy or six, opening receptions are dull, dreary and lame. Occasionally they have free booze, but if you are presenting, this is not the best way to make a good impression on your moderator. Not that I was ever at a conference where someone (no, not me!) did this, yuo understand...
Harriet - 2006-03-15 21:41:19
It WAS pretty funny -- but also totally inappropriate for the story. I'm inclined to agree with borogoves. And lemming, it's nice to know I'm not missing much. I'm going to have to be careful in that regaard at the banquet, which is the night before my paper, alas. As for the dangers of free conference booze, I'm sure we could swap stories for a while. Too bad we don't go to the same conferences.
cat - 2006-03-16 03:13:44
I love the idea of Pluto saying "Burrr!"

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