
rs536-2000 - 2006-03-27 08:53:54
There's something so charming about this entry. Nice to start off the day this way.
Smed - 2006-03-27 09:12:42
This made me smile. Email coming today with CD updates!
claudia - 2006-03-27 09:15:13
When I had Dusty, CNN was on the tv (sound off) and it was all-butterfly-ballots-all-the-time as the world waited to discover the inevitable: Bush was indeed going to be president no matter what happened in FL. I was not amused to be in labor with that Alfred E. Newman face on the screen and was unable to ask somebody - anybody - to turn it off!
reva - 2006-03-27 09:18:17
Thank you SOO much for an entry on childbirth without getting all bogged down with the insane pain of it all. That's all anyone can say to me and I'm terrified, absolutely terrified. Funny thing is, I can't stop eating vegetables and I think it's because I'm addicted to ranch dressing. I don't know if it's the veggies I like or just the massive amounts of ranch allll over. Congrads, and thanks for the upbeat entry that didn't scare me as much as I thought it would:)
Anna - 2006-03-27 09:32:40
Dangerspouse - 2006-03-27 09:35:39
Awwwwwwww! Happy Birthday to the 5 year old burrito!
elgan - 2006-03-27 12:09:16
Congratulations on your fifth anniversary of motherhood!
lemming - 2006-03-27 12:59:41
(wipes eyes) What a lovely post!
Zon - 2006-03-27 14:09:23 sweet!

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