
elgan - 2006-04-20 11:42:01
Yes! Buy her that beer! Life is short. I won�t bother saying the obvious �what is long� line that invariably comes afterwards. Speaking of hands, when I was a teenager, I felt that holding hands with a boy was a more intimate act than kissing. You are quite vulnerable when you give someone your hand to hold. Maybe we really do pass energy through all those nerve endings in our fingers.
claudia - 2006-04-20 11:45:29
I think there's something really basic about touch. I love nothing better than a backrub, a massage. I think this is the real reason sex is so important to most people - it's more the touch of another's hands (and feet) on our skin than the actual end result of sex. I think that's also why we shy away sometime's from a stranger's touch. It's the ultimate in intimacy. It's one of the most basic things a baby needs to be happy and healthy - apart from food and warmth. Think about those poor monkey babies in that classic psychology test where they replaced the mother with a piece of wire. The monkey became listless and depressed. Even the presence of carpet - a soft, comfortable texture under his paws was better than nothing. Red is very, very sensitive to textures, to touch. When I nurse her, she has to hold a lock of my hair in her fingers or grab a hunk of my shirt. Some tactile connection above and beyond the oral connection. Powerful stuff, touch.
rs536-2000 - 2006-04-20 12:17:53
Do you know that song: It could have been me...? I'll see if I can find it. I'm glad they were benign--it's so frightening!
claudia - 2006-04-21 10:56:25
Yes, there is really nothing more tragic than knowing you have a mind, that you are intelligent, and not being able to use it as you see fit. It is no wonder many women - esp those who were unmarried and childless - ended up in asylums.

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