
Smed - 2006-05-04 16:29:10
Awwww....I remember my first game. It was a doubleheader (remember those?) St. Louis against Cincinnati, 1976. My Dad caught a foul ball, a liner, with his bare hands. It was off the bat of Bake McBride during game two of the doubleheader. Pat Darcy was pitching. I still have the ball somewhere!
Claudia - 2006-05-04 16:40:14
I think Chocolate Factory was the first chapter book I read to Dusty. She's seen the Gene Wilder-version of the movie and loves it so much we may actually have to own it at some point. One of my all-time favorite movies.
rs536-2000 - 2006-05-04 16:42:12
What fantastic pictures!
elgan - 2006-05-04 17:32:00
Gene Wilder was a very interesting Willy Wonka. Although I adore Johnny Depp, I prefer the earlier movie.
kristin - 2006-05-04 18:41:53
what a great post! i love charlie and the chocolate factory, both the book and the original movie (johnny depp has his place, i guess, but nothing beats the first version)'s so fun to read to your kids when they really get into a daughter is loving all of the ramona books, and my son loves the chronicles of narnia...and i love that your son is so into baseball! i wish my kids were (but we're yankee fans! :]
eileen - 2006-05-04 20:21:31
AJ is such a fun kid! I didn't think five year olds could be so awesome, sounds like a great first outing to a baseball game.
egg - 2006-05-04 23:09:05
Her highness is quite infatuated with the Gene Wilder movie although she calls it Winkie Wonka. Just a heads up but we bought it at Target for $7.50. That was a while ago but she's watched it so many times it was well worth the price.
reva - 2006-05-05 07:32:54
adorablest kid ever!! Love the pics! Now that I've sweetened ya up, I loved the old movie too but I didn't like the end where Mr. Wonka got all mad at Charlie. It scared me as a kid and I just have never been able to trust Gene Wilder since. That and Lady in Red REALLY scared me. But it was adorable, and the new Mr. Wonka creeped me out too... why oh why didn't he get his dad's German accent, huh??
Claudia - 2006-05-05 09:14:23
I checked out both Arnie the Donut and Scrambled States yesterday. They are new to us all so should be fun though Dusty wouldn't let me read to her last night. We had to play with groovy girls and ponies instead. Sigh. What is it with girls and horses?
fin - 2006-05-05 09:50:37
That's one of the first books I ever read. I remember staying up late to finish it. I woke up on the floor, wondering how I had fallen out of bed. That's the effect it had on me...
lemming - 2006-05-05 13:38:41
I hate the added bit with Charlie and Grandpa Joe "breaking the contract" and that surreal office of Wonka's. You might want to reread "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator" before you read it to AJ. It's very much a book of its era and there will be more aspects that will need careful explanation. Oh, and a great set of pictures.

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