
Kelley2 - 2006-05-16 14:51:26
I haven't been there since high school, I think. I would agree with the 5th circle of Hell assessment. The worst pizza on the face of the earth is at ChuckEChee5e. It's awful. Horrendous. Abysmal. Revolting, even. And, yes, would that we all went to bed with sore tummies from laughing so much!
Smed - 2006-05-16 15:05:41
Ulp. Ah, I'm glad there are none of those things around. But skee ball is cool, as is real pinball!
lemming - 2006-05-16 15:17:44
Spring in the Midwest = rain. Given that I think Gene Kelly was hot, 'nuff said. (grin!)
elgan - 2006-05-16 16:28:50
We�re getting the rain here now. Your description is so apt, an endless drizzle, cold, not as satisfying as a pouring rain where you get it over and done with, but at least the emerging leaves are nice and green and the lawn is happy.

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