
elgan - 2006-05-19 15:42:06
All it takes is hearing about someone like N.�s father to make me realize that my own problems are negligible beside his.
Claudia - 2006-05-19 16:13:19
I miss yoga - it's been years since I've been able to take a class. Also, the situation with N's father is too sad. I had a writing friend who lost her brother to a brain tumor about a year ago. He was young - no more than 30 or 31, married with a young daughter. Devestating to all.
kim - 2006-05-19 19:57:22
your yoga talk doesn't more me... i love the same things about it, and loved the same things about dance when i was still able to do it. i work with people who have chronic pain, disabilities, and terminal illnesses as part of my work as a counselor... i always leave those sessions with a sense of thankfulness for what i have in life. and i do see people like N's dad... i think that's probably one of the hardest things. (a friend of mine my own age had a brain tumor, got treated, and it's gone. gone completely without surgery. we don't know why, but we don't care why at this point.)
Sandy - 2006-05-20 00:44:14
I am so happy to hear that y'all like SpyFox! Can Cassie give AJ a call next time she plays? I am just no good at getting the yellow suit out of the lockers so that we can get the password to get the punch card...blah blah blah my ears are bleeding! Help! Actually we have a toll free number so they could talk for hours on end and I will send payment to whomever can help us Save the SpyFox World! Who would think that the free game from a cereal box would be so much trouble? (for me anyway) The only computer game I like to play is EBay! :)
Kelley2 - 2006-05-20 09:26:21
My aunt died at 1 week shy of 63 last fall from a brain tumor. It was one of the most difficult things we've had to do to watch my brilliant aunt degenerate to where she couldn't eat or talk. My mom was out there for months (my aunt lived a thousand miles away). In my experience, there's not a whole lot you can do but be there and bring dinner over from time to time. My mom said that helped a lot for her and I'm pretty sure a fulltime working mom with small kids would appreciate it even more.

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