
Claudia - 2006-07-19 19:18:55
Glad y'all are enjoying it. I thought it might be right up your alley. And you mention Carson McCullers too! I did quite a bit of study on her in college and wrote a pretty decent monograph on her work and the whole Southern Gothic genre, if it can be called that.
elgan - 2006-07-19 19:31:06
Speaking of books, I finished The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf ages ago and I've been wanting to talk to you about it.
Julia - 2006-07-19 23:44:15
I just wanted to tell you that yesterday I finished Kate Atkinson's short story collection, Not The End Of The World, and I LOVED it. So much that I immediately re-read it. Hopefully the library will have one or two of her novels in when I go back this weekend. Thank you for the recommendations - they were right on!
Staecie - 2006-07-21 07:04:03
Where can one procure this "sun paper" you speak of? When I was 9 years old and went to art camp, we did this really cool project where they let us expose objects over special paper in the dark room, thus resulting in gloss white shadows on black. I'm hoping this is the same thing, but in the sun. That was so, soo neat.

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