
rs536-2000 - 2006-08-02 14:25:01
I'm sorry. I hope that he's better soon!
Claudia - 2006-08-02 14:54:44
Poor AJ. Those weird under-the-weather (ha) spells suck. Red was not up to par yesterday either and I made my husband take her to the dr today. Mainly her problem is allergies. I hope when the heat dissipates, everyone will be feeling better.
sparkspark - 2006-08-02 16:49:52
I am adopting the "sinking spell" as my new malady, capable of explaining anything from a hangover to a heroin-induced nod. (Not that I've ever had one of those, but you know, I cannot predict the future.) XO and cool breezes, Violet

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