
Claudia - 2006-08-04 12:25:45
We finally threw away our copy of Lonely Firefly - it had long since stopped flashing - when Red just tore the back page off. Without the ending, you're left hanging, as it were. If the humidity ever diminishes, we'll go hunting for fireflies, too. And turn on the fairy lights in the forest. Why can't summer live up to our ideals and expectations?
jen - 2006-08-04 12:30:42
that was such a sweet story. thank you for sharing. thanks too for being honest about AJ's bad days! it helps to have a full picture of parenthood. and my ovaries are going anyway.
Julia - 2006-08-04 13:42:51
Oh, that takes me back. I loved chasing fireflies in the back yard. When I was in college, some of my friends and I thought maybe there weren't fireflies anymore, because we hadn't seen them in so long. There are - you just have to go back to the backyard where you grew up.
Harriet - 2006-08-04 17:24:33
Why is it that summer reinforces nostalgia more than any other season? I think that's why it constantly falls short of our expectations. We have rose-tinted memories of our summers past. As for AJ's bad days, I'm not sure how totally honest I am about those -- there are definitely more than I let on here, and far more of my own poor parenting bad days. We're all human and we just keep trying until something works. And Julia, I had totally forgotten about fireflies until we moved here. The first night I spotted them, I was out on the lawn after dark in my bare feet just watching them flit about the yard. It never gets old. They seem like magic.
Kelley2 - 2006-08-04 21:11:17
I refuse to believe that we are doomed to become our mothers. Nope. Ain't going to believe it. Do you hear me, world?? Won't believe it! I remember when I was living on the outskirts of Northampton walking by a field at night (yes, there are still farm fields down by the Connecticut River). I have never seen so many fireflies - it truly was as if there were fairies flitting about with tiny lanterns. Just magic.
Laura - 2006-08-04 23:28:42
Every Texas spring (which comes anywhere from mid-February to mid-March), there is a proliferation of fireflies in our acreage as well as that of our neighbors. It's sheer heaven to sit outside at night and watch them. The first time I remember seeing them was at my midwest cousins' house on a steamy summer night and I swear that each and every time I see them, to this day, I am taken back to that evening. Thanks to you (and AJ) for helping me remember something simple and sweet.

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