
Claudia - 2006-08-11 14:40:09
yeah, I thought you'd like that meme. And, I don't know about you but I could do it once a year and the answers would probably be different. It's impossible to remember everything you've ever read. It's impossible for me to remember what I've read this year (which is why I've kept lists since 1989 - because I am a total NERD).
Julia - 2006-08-11 15:44:39
What you said about Ulysses is exactly how I feel about it. I love to read it, but never have gotten anywhere close to getting the point. It seems like the books we identify with say so much about how we think of the world - I was nodding a lot reading your list and reasons why.
jen - 2006-08-15 00:10:51
i liked cloud atlas but liked black swan green much better. also, may i recommend danskos for the standing and teaching and walking and all purpose everything?

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