
elgan - 2006-09-11 13:29:06
((( hugs )))
Claudia - 2006-09-11 13:59:47
Yes, the day is very vivid for me, too. Dusty was nine months old. It was her last week at this particular "caregiver" who had the WTC footage on for the two years old in her charge to watch. All day long. Talk about inappropriate. I was grateful that day that I only had a baby - someone too young to understand what was going on. It'll be something she reads about in a history book eventually.
saucy99 - 2006-09-11 15:24:43
A very nice entry that while brief says a lot and is poignant. I am not reading the paper either...nor am I watching the news today...
tali - 2006-09-11 21:31:04
Isn't that the truth... *hugs*

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