
rs536-2000 - 2006-10-23 09:41:19
Miss Harriet? My dog got sick, and my cat died and my building caught um...can I tak the quiz on Thursday? PUHLEEZE?
Harriet - 2006-10-23 10:14:58
RS: If you will consult the syllabus, you will see that you will need to get a note from your doctor or dean (on letterhead) if you wish to take the quiz late. In this case, I would accept a note from your veterinarian. And next time, you might want to teach your ailing dog to use a fire extinguisher. Best. H.
Julia - 2006-10-23 16:33:52
Great skeleton. Looks like a lot of work! Also, Miss Harriet? My radiators were leaking into my neighbor's bedroom and I had to clean up the water, then my car broke down on my way to pick my grandma up from a funeral, so I didn't have time to study... so can I take the quiz on Thursday? (Here's a plate of inexplicably homemade cookies???)
sparkspark - 2006-10-23 18:58:26
Well, I don't know what's going on here, but I am totally ready for this quiz. Here, see my notes? They're color-coded, with highlighted in appropriate and tasteful colors. And I brought you an apple, see? (This is why from ages 5 - 13, I had virtually no friends. I gave up the teacher's pet route, which led to the detriment of my education and career path, but I am more popular. A popular, popular failure.) XOXO and big props on the excellent costume! Violet
sparkspark once again! - 2006-10-23 18:59:38
Um, "highlights." That should be "highlights."
Staecie - 2006-10-24 00:32:16
I'm not going to even joke about not being ready for the quiz you are giving seeing as I still have a fair bit of editing to do on my assignments due later today....Anywho. Was just wondering why you disliked "American Beauty." You're the first person in a long time I've heard actually say that...other than a girl I knew in my senior class in high school who had never been in love before so she didn't *get* it. Obviously I'm very biased, but I loved it. Though, I will admit it is kind of weird and artsy and not so mainstream.
Harriet - 2006-10-24 06:51:11
It's not that I didn't like "American Beauty," but that I didn't think it lived up to its hype. Weird and artsy is usually my thing, but in this case, I felt like the methods it used were trite (scenes filtered through windows and video screens and mirrors? Things blowing in the wind? We've all seen that before) and sometimes contrived (artsy for artsiness' sake). Suburban angst is a good story, but it's a story I've heard many times before. I want to be shown something new about it. I think the thing that frustrated me most, was that I think this film wanted to show something new but didn't quite get there. I also felt like the characters, particularly Annette Bening's character (and actually, all the female characters but Thora Birch's) needed more fleshing out. They were too characaturish. If Kevin Spacey's character was going to invoke his wive's lost life and self, I wanted to know more about that -- what was lost and why. Seeing her sitting in her car screaming "I am not a victim" with a self-help tape was not enough. John Cheever does this kind of thing best, but of course he's not a film. I think Ordinary People and The Ice Storm both do it better than American Beauty. That said, I would have liked this movie a whole lot better if the ending were different. I would have liked it better if we didn't find out who killed Kevin Spacey's character. And I definitely could have done without the dead guy voice over. Still, it was a more interesting film than 90% of the things I've seen lately. I think I'm hardest on films that miss the mark than on one's that don't even try to hit it. Maybe that's not fair, but it's me.
Harriet - 2006-10-24 06:54:06
Also, fairlywell, inexplicably homemade cookies are my favorite flavor. Why don't you share them with the class after you take the quiz? Violet, though, might be able to help you study.

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