
rs536-2000 - 2006-11-08 15:03:58
r'uh r'oh. the tide is turning
elgan - 2006-11-08 15:56:22
I would worry that someone who has been doing lousy work all semester and then turns in something brilliant at the end has paid someone to do it for him or stolen it from somewhere else. A student whose work is crappy at the beginning and doesn't improve to brilliance gradually is not doing the work.
julia - 2006-11-08 17:15:55
Full business attire! Ha! That never ever occurred to me, but what a great idea!
Melanie - 2006-11-08 17:54:46
A hearty "Amen, sister!" to number one. How many times have I heard "Where do I hand in this form?" when it either says it right on the form or at least says which office generated the damn thing. I can't tell if it's laziness or plain stupidity.
Kelley2 - 2006-11-08 23:07:52
ROTFL!! Poor Harriet. I think Elgan's got a point though. I think I asked for an extension once in my entire college career (Prof. Sessions) and he still didn't know quite what to make of my paper when I turned it in. Poor guy. To be honest, I was (and am still) not quite sure what to make of Wozzeck, so I guess we're even.

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