
Claudia - 2006-12-18 20:08:22
Sorry, if ANYONE'S hugging Bowie it's me!
elgan - 2006-12-18 20:48:04
I LOVE Christmas wreaths. I don't care that they're not real cookies. They're still fantastic!
Dandy - 2006-12-18 21:22:06
We call 'em Red Hots here in Michigan! (There's also a lot of those Christmas wreaths being made in MI too.)
Julia - 2006-12-18 22:22:30
Awww, you're nostalgic for the original Fairlywell. The new one has fewer trans fats, though.
Erin. - 2006-12-18 22:48:37
Having a birthday that's very close to Christmas really sucks when you're a kid. It's actually better to be just before Christmas (when people are all revved up and raring for some kind of celebration) then after, when people are deflated and disinterested. People around me would occasionally toss around the idea of celebrating my birthday some other day that was vaguely related to my birthday - a month later, six months later, etc. - but it never actually happens. Now that birthdays aren't such a big deal I like having a birthday around this time - it's nice to see people feeling celebratory and dip into the atmosphere, and I don't need it to be "my" day anymore.
beth b. - 2006-12-18 23:13:54
oh my god! i was eyeing the cornflakes in the grocery store yesterday morning because i was TOTALLY thinking about making those wreath cookies! how funny. must be something in the air.
rs536-2000 - 2006-12-19 09:24:06
I'm glad you explained about the "red hots"--I wonder if Chicago is the only place where they are cinnamon candies...
manduca - 2006-12-19 12:43:25
i vote for red hots! that's the natural name, it's just weird to do it otherwise, darn it. wikipedia agrees with me! thanks for your note about my lovely beast. i miss him all the time. his absence still feels like the central fact of my life on an hour by hour basis. but i'm also doing a good imitation of going about my business, and it really does help. on that note, i should go! (p.s. white hots were another sausage/hot dog name that confused me.)
Harriet - 2006-12-19 13:01:27
The irony is that it appears that Red Hots are manufactured in Chicago -- the headquarters of Ferrara-Pan are in Forest Park, just West of the city. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. But the Chicago natives I know (including about 40 of my inlaws and extended family, with whom I had this discussion last Christmas) had never heard of the candy called Red Hots. They all thought it meant hot dogs. And for those of you thinking about making those wreath cookies, you should totally do it! Gooey, disgusting and green ambrosia. Yum yum.

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