
Erin. - 2006-12-29 02:06:35
In my case, it's not that my mother has morphed into a different person, so much as that she's been at her worst for a really, really long time. My mother is one of those people who had a kind of bad home situation and she moved past it mostly by moving away, severing connections, limiting contact. So whenever she goes back to her parents house or sees her parents, all this stuff that she never really dealt with comes to the fore and she is kind of back to being a child. It's difficult for her and she only has brief flashes of self-awareness about it. There is a part of me that hopes that my grandmother doesn't live much longer because at this point, she will only get worse and that will mean my mom will only get more involved and it is slowly driving her crazy.
Smed - 2006-12-29 13:39:45
You know, he could get married at one of the planets on this tour. I'd choose Saturn or Uranus - they look cool!
teranika - 2006-12-29 16:07:42
Reading your perspective has been most interesting. K and I didn't invite anyone to our 'wedding' and my mother is still terribly hurt that she wasn't allowed to be there. No amount of coaxing will make her see that we viewed this ceremony as a means to an end, because it really means something to her. Your thoughts, I think, touch somewhat on why this might be so. I am hoping that the tension between us subsides because for me she is still my mom, and I still need her. I'll bet AJ will feel the same way.

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