
claudia - 2007-01-15 15:21:26
Ha ha! I have very few diaries from those years because I wasn't good at keeping them up-to-date and I didn't see the point in recording stuff I already knew would NEVER forget (oh, how I wish). I have one from maybe 1979 that's basically a recording of all the movies I saw - but no real details. Now, maybe that's a good thing.
elgan - 2007-01-15 15:31:06
I wonder if I should dig up my old diaries. And then I wonder if it’s best to leave them hidden. I know for sure there is one entry that I would never want my husband to see, and I’m tempted to wrip those pages out of the notebook, if they haven’t already burned a hole right through it. Ah youth.
elgan - 2007-01-15 15:31:41
Did I actually write “wrip’? Oh dear lord.
Smed - 2007-01-15 15:43:44
Oh, I didn't keep journals. I just made up sports teams complete with stats and also bands complete with song titles and writing credits....yeah, I was pretty much a nerdball...
Lass - 2007-01-15 15:57:10
Looking for a Cringe submission has sent me back to places that never really needed to be re-visited. So much bad poetry and teenage angst. Like you, I have a really hard time throwing old diaries away. I can't really tell you why - I guess in part because they are, at this point in my life, artifacts... Or something like that. I enjoyed the fruit salad description, btw. :)
Julia - 2007-01-15 16:14:16
This is the reason why all of my blank books remained blank. I know for a fact I could do MUCH MUCH worse. I think I got really taken with the Anne of Green Gables style of writing in italics. So I did. All the time.
dandlioneyes - 2007-01-15 16:17:07
Oh my. I'm cringing at the thought of the skeletons in my closet. I know there is one description of the yellow sweater the boy I had a crush on was wearing....
Harriet - 2007-01-15 16:31:06
Oh, mine gets a lot worse too, Julia. Like you, Lass, I'm not sure how much I need to revisit these things. But after writing about them in this entry, I've gained some affection for that thirteen-year-old, who seems so remote from me now as to be another person altogether. The affectations and flourishes are all attempts at disguising my conviction of my fundamental ordinariness. I wanted better but I wasn't at all sure I deserved it. I was also trying to act like a teenager. In particular, I remember writing the entry for when I first got my period. I felt like it was supposed to be a noteworthy event. After all, Judy Blume wrote a book about it. But I was underwhelmed. It was messy and irritating. Nevertheless, there is the entry with dozens of exclamation points. My journal became a place to try out teenageryness when I didn't really get it at all in my actual life.
Kelley2 - 2007-01-15 21:45:39
Oh God. I think I need to go burn all my diaries. It has become clear to me that otherwise my daughter will eventually read them and both of us will be mortally embarassed. (Yes, indeed, it is possible to die of embarassment -- Lord knows I've practiced wanting to enough over the years.)
beth b. - 2007-01-15 21:54:22
susan walker, really? like on coupling....
Harriet - 2007-01-15 21:56:00
Yup, that was her real name. I haven't seen coupling, though. I keep meaning to check it out.
Erin. - 2007-01-16 04:11:25
oh, that's hilarious. but there's no need to be ashamed that you sounded like the kid you were. hearing that probably doesn't alter the cringing one bit though.

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