
Smed - 2007-01-25 10:52:49
Oh, yeah. I can't WAIT to explain #69 to Katie. I do think girls are bossy at 5. Katie definitely bosses around some of the boys in pre-school.
Whisper - 2007-01-25 11:08:25
Oh...that last paragraph made me laugh. We do the same thing around here...(except our situation doesn't involve a child)...I think every weekend now, when I am puttering around annoyed and waiting for my husband to make the first move in getting the day in motion, I shall think of you and smile.
Claudia - 2007-01-25 11:15:41
Yes, girls are very bossy. Starting at 4 until...well I'll have to let you know when it stops. Dusty's very into ordering her world and my place in it. Some of that is simply age and brain functions. And, the last pp - ah, yes. I recognize that scenario all to well.
Smed - 2007-01-25 12:03:46
Oh, I just wrote my opus on "Prog Rock" that you may want to check out, and send Dr. Geek over there, too.
Julia - 2007-01-25 13:35:33
I love the flow of this one. Very nice, tying kid perception of time to adult perception of scheduling.

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