
Claudia - 2007-02-27 13:25:39
Also - The Little Prince by Saint-Exup�ry should be on the list. Don't if it's on the version I gave you or not. One of my favorites.
Staecie - 2007-02-27 15:36:58
"The Stone Angel" and "Fall On Your Knees" are both considered to be formidable works of Canadian literature. I loved the former (though most of my classmates hated it,) and the latter I think was even made an Oprah's book club choice in the late 1990s--before she disbanded it, the first time. I absolutedly ADORED Ender's Game (and I dislike science fiction); it's just a great story about a boy who has been selected for a leadership role and how he grapples with the effects it has on his life. There are seven books total, but they can all pretty much stand alone; I believe they are finally making the first one into a movie. "The Red Tent" is a really great, believable, and very vivid expansion on the Biblical characters. "Kane and Abel" was good too, but just a typical Jeffrey Archer book. In my opinion, both "White Oleander" and the ridiculously prolix "I Know This Much to be True" are a waste of time.
Claudia - 2007-02-27 15:44:11
The Time Traveler's Wife is good.
Katie - 2007-02-27 16:21:04
I second the "White Oleander" comment, and would recommned instead "The Bean Trees" by Barbara Kingsolver. They're both that sort of mid 90's "nothing-is-my-fault" soul searching angst, but Bean Trees does it without being so whiney. Also, there's an e-mail winging it's way through the tubes to you.

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