
Claudia - 2007-03-02 16:22:13
Oh, yes, I know the "conference world" and it's very insular and it's nice to be an adult in a little like-minded universe and then you get back to the real world and think, "what really happened during those 3 days? What did I do with all those business cards?" Glad things are going well. I am hopeful that I'll be at one this summer. In Chicago. We can compare notes. Or talk about something much more interesting like our kids. :)
Smed - 2007-03-02 16:24:40
Wow, I am going to be heavy in conference / meeting mode upcoming. Woot to good stuff happening!
Harriet - 2007-03-02 17:22:39
Enjoy your meetings, Smed! If nothing else, it's nice to have a change of pace. It feels a little like summer camp for grownups. And Claudia, I so hope the conference in Chicago comes through. I'm already thinking about the best places to go for beer.
rs - 2007-03-02 17:37:27
YAY! That's sounds fantastic! Big Southern University...I said...where's that. Um...d'oh!
Kelley2 - 2007-03-03 00:42:24
Congratulations on a job well done. And, yes, I *can* take your word for it. How cool, and maybe a little embarrassing, to meet the authors of the works you cited. I hope you are actually taking the time to enjoy as well.

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