
Claudia - 2007-05-02 14:27:21
I used to read that blog too but then I just I could never measure up. We don't have access to that much organic food (nor can afford it) and the preparation - the entirely different menus everyday! Just depressed me. Now I live in happy ignorance. Dusty eats well but she tends to like the same things over and over. The bread is whole wheat, the yogurt is organic, the water is bottled, the jelly is...jelly.
rs - 2007-05-02 14:34:16
It's an interesting website, but it makes me happy not to be vegan. Vegetarianism seems admirable...but fake cheese? Wow.
elgan - 2007-05-02 21:17:00
Just recently my son was looking at his lunchbox where it has been tossed on top of the fridge and collects dust, and commented on how it’s a little sad that he no longer uses it. I mean, he could still use it, but college boys don’t use lunchboxes (I know some who do, but not this one) and I no longer pack his lunch anymore as I did in high school. Sigh.

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