spynotes ::
  January 26, 2004

A frustrating morning. I got up early to run through some exercises at the piano, but discovered that AJ was already up and chirping in his room. E has been busy and demanding all day, very cheerful, but my day and mood have been thrown off by the change of plans at the very beginning. I�m not always so good at going with the flow.

We arrived at music class this morning only to discover that the teacher was sick. No atonal group singing today. We were invited to join the younger play class meeting in the next room, which, since we�d already braved the snow and skidded our way there, we did. It was another of the morning�s irritations at first, but it ended up being a lot of fun. It was a large class, about 15 or so, ranging in age from about 4 months to about 5 or 6 years. I was worried AJ would be bowling over the little ones who were still unsteady on their feet, but he was more aware of his surroundings than he sometimes is. He was also attracting a lot of attention from little 1-year-old girls. As AJ was doing laps around a gym mat in the middle of the room, four little girls toddled over to watch and clap. If AJ decides to become a track star, I will be sure to remember this moment � the first taste of crowds of adoring younger women cheering him on.

By the time we got home, I was in a much better mood, despite the treacherous drive. Hopefully this bodes well for the afternoon.

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