spynotes ::
  January 31, 2004

Last night we watched the 2002 film Tadpole, which was enjoyable, but ultimately unsatisfying, largely due to its failure to do something new with well-trodden material. I�ll admit, the setting among well-off New York academics was appealing for its familiarity. And the references it conjures up � Metropolitan, The Graduate, any number of films by Woody Allen � are among my favorites. The casting was great. I particularly loved Bebe Neuwirth, but found myself surprised by John Ritter who was quite perfect in his role. And some of the camera-work was really great. But the rest of the film felt pretty cowardly. It could have made some interesting statements, but pulled back anytime it had the chance. Capping my dissatisfaction was the awful, trite soundtrack � a total copout (�She� (also in the French version �Toi�), Bowie�s �Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes,� a cover of Simon and Garfunkel�s �The Oldest Living Boy in New York�). One thing I liked was clarinetty instrumentals, but they were very reminiscent of Woody Allen, as were the title cuts of Voltaire quotes between each scene and the setting (particularly the party scenes). It seems possible (or even likely) that the soundtrack was designed to evoke the obvious influences on this film. Tadpole, however, does nothing new with the songs it chooses, nor the material it ploughs through. It wears its artifice on its sleeve. A perfect example of this is the exceptional obvious use of red objects to symbolize passion or zest for life � the red scarf, red balloon, etc. It bordered on an insult to one�s intelligence. I did, however, love the restaurant scene where the details of Tadpole�s liaison become known. Painful and hilarious.

It was nice to have a night off, even if it was completely undeserved. I had an appalling day of work yesterday. I need to get my act together. I have been so distractable lately. Must. Finish. Dissertation. I�m sloppy and lazy. Existential crises tower to the right and left of me. Am I afraid to finish? Am I afraid it won�t be my best work? That I�m too imprecise? All of the above.

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