spynotes ::
  February 15, 2004

Today has been a rather aggravating day, mainly due to my ongoing sleep problems which have left me grumpy and exhausted. More weird dreams last night, including one in which I was helping rs536 move out of her apartment. This was completely implausible on two levels. First, rs536 has lived in her current place for over a decade and is unlikely to move due to its incredible neighborhood, its spaciousness, and its rent-controlledness. Second, the apartment she was moving out of in my dream was a fucking palace. The people moving in were obnoxious yuppie types with three small children and evidence of an additional baby who never actually appeared. The place was a little shabby, but clearly spectacular, with enormous windows and high ceilings. The oddest thing was the stove/fireplace in the kitchen. It was built in a brick island and out of the side of the coal was an open fire and a barbecue pit. I remember thinking in the dream that this was really cool, but absolutely no place for a baby. I�m even childproofing in my sleep now.

I had hoped to do some skating this morning, but my husband won the metaphorical exercise coin toss today (by way of being even grumpier than I). Not only did I not get an escape, but I lost another day�s worth of work time to a trip to visit my mother-in-law who is having trouble getting around. It�s hard to feel bad about that. She has done so much for us, it�s the least we can do. Plus she�s fun to be around (other than when she tries to force feed you). We did some snow shoveling and grocery shopping for her and let her grandson have his way with her house for a few hours before heading back home to put our sleepy boy to bed. Upon arrival, I found five messages on my machine from a friend of mine from out of state who was in town for a day and was hoping to meet up. Aggravation was definitely the word of the day.

I was hoping to write something more humorous and entertaining, but I was greatly saddened by today�s entry by mimi smartypants. I�m not sure why I�m taking it personally. Part of it might be familiarity -- I used to live a block from there and have walked down that street countless times going too and from the Empty Bottle or Bite. But most of it is probably the way mimi wrote it down. You should read it too.

0 people said it like they meant it

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