spynotes ::
  February 23, 2004

I�m really kicking myself for not making it over to Uncle Fun this weekend for the gathering of Chicago bloggers. I�m trying to live vicariously through apothecary, veg, trancejen and luvabeans, the latter two of whom wrote a joint entry that was funny as hell. This was largely due to jen�s use of �dork� as a verb. Perfect, because the process of being a dork seems much more active than its status as a noun permits (I am highly familiar with such matters). Since I�m feeling left out, I�ve decided to stage a reading in my basement. So far the only potential attendees who�ve expressed an interest are the cats. However, AJ will, in all likelihood, throw in his two cents. He�s an excellent heckler.

AJ is in his room having a time out. He earned this punishment because he refused to pick up his toys and then yelled at me about it. I have trouble punishing this kind of behavior. I think of it as a sign of character. Still, he needs to learn to pick up his stuff and to find other ways to voice his objections. I want him to learn that there are consequences to his actions but not that he has to lie down and blindly follow orders, even if that would make my life easier. At his age, though, I think he�s not really getting the difference. Any attempts at subtlety are lost on him. Besides, I think he secretly enjoys his time outs. I know I did when I was his age. Sometimes it helps to be forced to sit quietly alone for a few minutes. I wish someone would make me do that once in a while.

I spent much of yesterday evening on the phone with my mom who�s still out on the left coast with my grandmother, who moved into her new apartment on Wednesday. It sounds like it�s been an incredibly difficult process for all concerned. Mom sounds tired and ready to be home � they�ve been there for almost two months. I said I wished I were in a better position to help out and my mom said, �Don�t worry. You�ll have your turn. And I want you to know that I plan to be feisty. I won�t take kindly to anyone telling me what to do.� I would expect nothing less of her. And I hope that day is a long, long way off.

0 people said it like they meant it

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