spynotes ::
  March 16, 2004
Angels of Mercy

I walked into AJ�s classroom to pick him up and they were still finishing up their snack. They were having a little St. Patrick�s Day celebration, so there was much wearin� o� the green. And their juice looked truly noxious. AJ has a green mustache that he will not permit me to scrub off. What with that and the jumping around every time he has to go to the bathroom and his general shortness, he looks like a deranged leprechaun.

I spent 20 minutes talking to his teachers after class about poop. Yes, it�s true, we�ve sunk to a new low. It seems that AJ, in his continued anxiety about the toilet has been freaking out at school as well as at home. I felt bad having a conversation about his bodily functions in front of him without including him. The poor guy doesn�t get any privacy. But his teachers are helping us out a lot and they needed to know the whole story.

Mrs. S. said, �We�ve noticed that AJ has been exhibiting a great deal of urgency.�

You mean he�s flapping his arms like a psychotic chicken while sprinting around the room every five minutes or so? Yeah, he does that at home too. His teachers have agreed to help enforce the rules and regulations we�ve had to institute at home to keep him from freaking out completely and to keep us from losing our sanity. These women don�t get paid nearly enough. I�d like to say a big thank you to preschool teachers everywhere.

[2nd entry today, blah, blah, blah. But I promise the earlier entry doesn�t mention poop. Not even once.]

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