spynotes ::
  April 12, 2004

Another late posting. My schedule was totally out of whack today. I had another sleepless night last night, cause by the accidental ingestion of high octane coffee late Sunday when I thought I was drinking decaf. I hate lying in bed all jittery waiting. But I did get to see H.R. Pufnstuf on late-night TV. I was always kind of freaked out by that show when I was a kid. It was even more psychedelic than I remembered. Or maybe that�s just because I was watching it in the middle of the night instead of Saturday morning. I finally dozed off around 4 am only to be awakened at 6 to AJ who was ready for more Easter candy. I placated him with TV while I attempted to unglue my eyelids from my eyeballs, and was treated to an episode of Arthur I had never seen. In it one of the characters, Buster, was having a fantasy about being a superhero. He was battling a motley collection of evil geniuses, one of whom was an enormous ham with legs. His name? Trafe.

After snickering over unkosher supervillains, AJ and I headed off to play class, where, as usual, anarchy reined. Well, not anarchy exactly. There is something very Lord-of-the-Flies about the class. The kids are so clearly in charge and are frighteningly organized at times. But fortunately, for the moment at least, they are a force for good. One of the kids got hurt and AJ�s friend D ran over to give him a hug. She started a movement. After that, the kids were all hugging each other for the rest of the class. It was pretty intense for a while, but no hoses were required to cool them off. They eventually moved on to other things.

The rest of the day was full of errands. AJ and I checked out 20 books for him on our weekly trip to the library, a new record. I did some writing. We made another trip to AJ�s doctor, to drop off a urine sample, which I had transported with some trepidation in the cupholder of my car, and to check on the status of his infected ear (much improved).

I spent the evening at the college fair, which was fascinating, but I�m too tired to do it justice at the moment, so you�ll have to wait until tomorrow for tales of teen traumas.


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