spynotes ::
  May 10, 2004
Let there be light!

AJ: Mommy, will you play the 123 rain game with me?

Harriet: Sure. Which game is that?

AJ: It�s the one where you go �1-2-3� and it rains and there�s thunder and lightning and it goes boom and everything falls down.

Harriet: That sounds very exciting. But I�m not sure I understand it. Can you show me?

AJ: (sighs as if talking to an imbecile) You need my PIGGY BANK, Mommy!

Harriet: (wondering how she got so stupid) Oh, of course. The piggy bank. What was I thinking? (retrieves the Snoopy bank from AJ�s room)

AJ: Will you open it for me?

Harriet: (breaking a nail while extracting a small, yellow, rubber stopper from where Snoopy�s asshole would be if he weren�t ceramic and full of cash). Here you go.

AJ: Thanks. (shakes coins onto the carpet and stands the bank upright). First you count the coins (puts three coins in the bank) 1-2-3. Then it rains (mimes pouring a watering can onto the remaining pile of currency).

Harriet: What about the thunder and lightning

AJ: Oh. I forgot. BOOM!!!!! (gets a thoughtful look on his place while pondering how to represent lightning, then smiles when he arrives at an idea). LIGHT! (spoken very fast and accompanied by jazz hands). And then it falls down. (whacks the bank with the back of his hand sending the cat screeching out of the room). It�s your turn now Mommy!

I�ve put the call into Milton Bradley about marketing this one. I�m sure they�ll be returning my calls any day now.

0 people said it like they meant it

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