spynotes ::
  June 06, 2004
Why me

This morning AJ and I walked down to the riverside playground where we met the father of the groom in yesterday�s wedding. He and a few friends were cleaning up after last night�s party, so AJ and I helped gather spent bottles of bubbles and cups from the playground. The father of the groom was still beaming, grinning ear to ear while he extracted empty bottles of Corona stuffed with spent limes from the shrubbery around the park house. A trellis used to frame the ceremony was still standing, hung with white flowers and ribbons under an old oak tree on the riverbank.

The water has receded somewhat and we were able to walk on the pier once more. The river was blissfully quiet, thanks to the continued ban on motorboats, due to the still high water. AJ was glad to be able to throw rocks off the pier again.

AJ sang little songs to himself on the walk down to the river. On the trip home, however, the conversation left a lot to be desired.

AJ: May I have a snack?
Harriet: Yes, but you�ll have to have it at home.
AJ: Why?
Harriet: Because I didn�t bring a snack with us.
AJ: Why?
Harriet: Because I forgot.
AJ: Why?
Harriet: Because I�m tired.
AJ: Why?
Harriet: Because someone came into my room three times last night to let me know that he was awake.
AJ: Why?
Harriet: That�s a good question. Why do you think?
AJ: (puzzled moment of silence) Why?
Harriet: (silent)
AJ: Why?
Harriet: (silently counts to ten)
AJ: What did you say?
Harriet: I didn�t say anything.
AJ: Why?
Harriet: (silent)
AJ: May I have a snack?
Harriet: Not until we get home.
AJ: Why?
[repeat ad infinitum]

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