spynotes ::
  June 11, 2004

Scene: Harriet's basement office/studio

AJ: �I�m going to play a song on the pinano.� [�Pinano� being AJish for piano, by which he means my KX-88 synthesizer setup. Perhaps he was inspired by the Ray Charles memorial program on our local jazz station, although it sounded like he was more like his inspiration was more likely the Pixies �U-Mass,� currently playing on iTunes.]

Harriet: �What song are you going to play?�

AJ: Hmm. [Rifles through pages of music on the music rack] I�m going to play �Have you seen my cat?�

Harriet: That sounds like a great song. I can�t wait.

AJ: [Presses a preset for a funk bass sound, adjusts volume slide and plunks out a meandering bass tune.]

Harriet: That was great. Can you play it again?

AJ: No. [Flips page of music] Now I�m going to play �Have you seen my ferret?� [He plays a tune virtually indistinguishable from �Have you seen my cat?� except for a brief scurrying motive in the upper register at the end. AJ giggles.]

Harriet: I like that too.

AJ: That was a silly one. I�m doing animals tonight. [Flips page of music] This one is �Have you seen my dog?� [He presses another preset for a different, twangier bass sound, flips a page of music, and begins to play with both fists. He pauses.] And this one is called �Have you seen my fishy?� Hey, just like at the pet store! Yeah, fishies! [He flips another page of music and starts grooving on the piano. He pauses to change the preset from twangy bass to orchestral sound]

Harriet: What�s that one called?

AJ: It�s called �Have you seen my milk?� [He returns to the funk bass]. I�m playing �Have you seen my cat?� again. It�s number 1. [This time he adds lyrics:]


Have you seen my cat?
No I have not.
Here�s my cat! [twang]
Fast asleep! [twang]
In his bed! [keyboard solo]

� � � � �

I swear I am not making this up.

0 people said it like they meant it

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