spynotes ::
  June 14, 2004
Mr. and Mrs. Discobbolus*

AJ fell asleep on his lunch, narrowly averting putting his nose directly into his container of strawberry yogurt. His naps were so discombobulated this weekend that he is still recovering.

Perhaps, then, it is just as well that we had a steady downpour underscored by occasional claps of thunder at just the time we should have been leaving for AJ�s first swimming lesson of the summer. �Is the pool open?� he asked hopefully as he stared out the window at the rain. He took the news that it was not open rather well, considering that he nearly burst into tears when informed that he would not be able to sleep in his bathing trunks and water wings last night. Meanwhile, nearly as soon as I tucked him into his bed, just seconds after he started snoring like a wildebeest, the sun burst forth with such conviction that it is hard to imagine the ominous skies of less than an hour before.

I am feeling rather discombobulated myself. There was a brief and blissful period where I felt in control of the many little tasks that make up my daily life. I was productive and organized. I had time for exercise and I felt good about things. It�s not that I expect things always to go that way, but lately I have become particularly distracted and forgetful. I have lost hold of the details. Bills get lost or paid late. I forget to make phone calls. I lose my car keys. My office feels cold and unfriendly where it once felt like a haven from the noisy chaos of life with a three-year-old. My work is stagnating, I am dissatisfied with the quality of my work in nearly every aspect of my life. All of this is clearly the reflection of some particular mental state, the source of which I have not yet been able to determine, lacking the time and perhaps the gumption to ponder it further.

It�s funny how much I�ve been looking forward to the opening of the neighborhood pool to clear my head. Every thing works better when I can sneak in a morning swim. Unfortunately, between houseguests, my mother-in-law�s recovery and the weather, I have not yet set foot in the water. Hopefully by Wednesday the schedule will have cleared enough for a few laps.

*The title of today�s entry is a reference to this poem by Edward Lear.

[Yesterday�s entry was made rather late in the day. Click back if you missed the weekend roundup.]

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