spynotes ::
  July 23, 2004
Let's Get Physical

I am an aerobics teacher. Hah! Well, water aerobics, actually, but I have to admit that this is a persona I never expected to inhabit. Our regular teacher was taken ill right before class and I was voted queen for the day. The class complained I was hard, so I guess I did my job. Perhaps I should start investing in a wardrobe of thong leotards and legwarmers. Then again, I am fairly certain I am not perky enough to do this on a regular basis.

AJ and I spent the morning running assorted errands, which mostly involved me shopping for assorted gifts and AJ sprinting through the aisles as if possessed or on speed. As a result, I am completely exhausted and am putting in my bid for a nap before the family party we�re attending this evening, a surprise birthday party for my husband�s cousin M. Part of the reason for AJ�s extreme exuberance is the prospect of spending the evening with his three cousins, who will be collectively babysitting while my husband and I chit chat with assorted aunts, uncles and cousins of my husband�s at a banquet hall in Des Plaines. My feet are hurting just thinking about an evening in the shoes I�ll be wearing, but this is the price I must pay for looking cute. After all this perkiness and cuteness today, I will have to make sure I spend the weekend wearing black and discussing Depressing Ideas to make up for it. But first, a nap.

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