spynotes ::
  October 29, 2004

I dragged home last night around midnight and proceeded to stay awake listening to the rain for several hours, so I�m working on my third day straight of less than 3 hours of sleep. I�m starting to feel like a college student.

AJ woke up this morning and came in to find me. �On Friday I get to be a bumblebee,� he announced. �That�s right,� I said. �Do you know what today is?�
�It�s Friday.�
�Oh boy!�

Yes, this morning was AJ�s preschool Halloween party, the kickoff of a weekend that looks to be all Halloween all the time. AJ was incredibly excited about wearing his �nice cozy bee suit� as he calls his fleecy costume, despite the fact that it�s nearly 80 degrees outside. The scene at school was a pandemonium of princesses and fairies on the one side and pirates and ninjas on the other. And in the middle was AJ and one other little bumblebee boy looking cute and fuzzy. The costume award of the day, however, was definitely won by the triplets. The two boys and a girl came as an Oreo, with the boys wearing giant cookies like sandwich boards and the girl dressed as the filling in a similar arrangement of round and fuzzy white cushions and a furry hat.

Here is AJ in his bee costume:

Here he is showing off his wings:

The pictures of his class are priceless, with a few escapees in every group photo. Alas, I have a firm policy against putting pictures of other people�s kids on the internet, so you�ll have to take my word for it.

This afternoon we plan to carve our pumpkins (we always wait until close to Halloween as they frequently get eaten by assorted wildlife), although there is no way on earth they will approach the artistry demonstrated by luvabeans on her very first pumpkin-carving attempt.

There is much more Halloween fun ahead. You�ll laugh! You�ll cry! You�ll shake with fright! Stay tuned as AJ buzzes around the neighborhood Halloween Party. Will this be the year he takes his first hayride? Or will it once again be dubbed �too messy?� Just how many treats will AJ get on Halloween night? For I can assure you, he will be counting them.

[Second entry today. Click back for a sleepy pseudo book review and more job-hunting angst]

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