spynotes ::
  December 22, 2004

I forgot to update yesterday. It just slipped my mind. I don�t believe that�s ever happened before. I hope that is not an indication of waning interest, although I have felt like my entries have been less than inspired lately. Instead of diarizing, I spent most of my work time doing some preliminary research for my conference paper and most of the evening ironing. And ironing. And ironing. Six chair slipcovers, five curtains and six tablecloths. Nothing makes me feel more like June Cleaver than ironing. I tried to counteract the effects by ironing while watching Sex and the City. It helped somewhat. Plus I wasn�t wearing heels and an apron.

My parents were supposed to arrive this evening for their Christmas visit but, in view of the horrific weather in their path, they left their halfway point hotel in the middle of the night and arrived instead shortly after breakfast. It was a lovely surprise and AJ was beside himself with joy. He won�t let his grandmother out of his sight and has even convinced her to play Monopoly with him, something I happen to know that she hates to do. But for her darling grandson, anything.

My updates are likely to be sporadic for the next week or so as the parade of houseguests and general holiday anarchy begin. My mom and dad are staying through next Monday. On Tuesday my friend B. arrives and leaves on Thursday. On Friday, my friend L. arrives for New Year�s. We�re thinking of installing a revolving door on the guest room. The holiday agenda includes having 50 people for dinner on Friday, Christmas morning at my mother-in-law�s, Christmas afternoon having a few relatives here, followed by total collapse on the 26th. The house is currently well-stocked for any emergencies. We have candles upon candles and enough food to feed a small army. And if all else fails, there is enough wine, beer and booze to keep us suitably inebriated for weeks. And if that isn�t a reason to skip an update or two, I�m not sure what is.

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