spynotes ::
  December 31, 2004
Fast away the old year passes

I spent most of yesterday engaged in a variety of domestic pursuits, while momentarily between houseguests. There were sheets and towels to wash, bread to bake, soup to make and much post-holiday cleaning to be done. My friend L. arrived shortly after dinner and we spent a pleasant evening (after settling AJ in for the night) imbibing assorted alcoholic substances and discussing all manner of things. Today we headed out in search of a present for her new boyfriend, currently traveling in India. We visited a couple of galleries and, since AJ was along for the ride, a caf� for hot chocolate. We dined well at a local brewery and have just retreated to our respective corners for pre-New Year�s naps, in hopes that we might actually be able to stay awake until midnight.

As usual, we will stay in this evening and cook fancy food. This year�s menu will include caviar with cr�me fra�che, smoked salmon on toast, pan seared sea scallops in abutter, shallot, lemon and white wine sauce (for L and I), steak with burgundy mushroom sauce (for my husband), a cheese plate with red Anjou pears, nuts and fruit, and chocolate truffles. Champagne will, of course, be the drink of choice. AJ will be dining on the finest of macaroni and cheese and fizzy apple juice.

Tomorrow the in-laws come over for the annual marathon of football. I can pretty much guarantee that a portion of tomorrow will be spent trying to convince AJ that the Rose Bowl Parade is more entertaining than Dora the Explorer. The grownups will lose the argument.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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