spynotes ::
  April 18, 2005
Another dollar

Another day, another class under my belt. Today�s version of the scenario did not start auspiciously. Our class was to meet at another location for a special performance demonstration by a guest lecturer. I talked to him last week. I called him yesterday and left a message on his answering machine to remind him. But alas, he did not show up. I called him at the appointed time and caught him by the phone. He had forgotten completely. Now, I used to work with this guy and a huge part of my job was making sure that he got where he needed to go on time. He rarely forgot outright, although he often made me nervous by squeaking in seconds before the rehearsal was to begin. As it happened, it provided a point to start talking with the class about how many musicians live their lives, half-living out of their cars shuttling from gig to gig trying to remember all their appointments. We�ll try again on Wednesday.

We all paraded back to our a classroom in what an a children�s book I remember reading as a kid referred to as �a crocodile� and began class. And I was extremely grateful for my anal overpreparation, because I had more time to fill than I thought I would have and because, unannounced, the MIA faculty member who was to review me came in a few minutes after we did. I had thought he was coming Wednesday. This proved to be a blessing, however, because I didn�t have a chance to get nervous about it. Plus it was a Monday, and Monday�s are (at least thus far) always better than Wednesdays. Still, I could have done better. I�m supposed to get an email with comments from the reviewer later today and meet with him to discuss his comments on Wednesday after class. Needless to say, I�m going to be checking my e-mail every five minutes. Because I�m obsessed and insecure, that�s why. And also, I really have no idea what I look like in front of the classroom.

I have more to write about yesterday�s adventures with AJ, but it�s almost time for me to run to my bus. I�ll try to post again later.

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