spynotes ::
  June 22, 2005
There is a balm

Yesterday evening I made a last minute bid for escape and hopped a train for the city to join my bookgroup for the evening. We discussed Marilynne Robinson�s Gilead, which I must admit that I still have not quite finished, but which I�m finding a very interesting read. Robinson�s first novel Housekeeping was a really important book to me. I was passionate about it when I read it and it is definitely in the top 5-10 books I absolutely must have on a desert island. Gilead is a markedly different book. It�s an epistolary novel of sorts � the narrative device is that of an old man writing a letter to his very young son about his life � and to some extent fits into the tradition that begins with Richardson�s Pamela. Its language is exquisite. It rivals Joyce in its ability to get me to forget about meanings because I am so caught up in the sounds of the words. And yet it appears to be much more immediately lucid than Joyce, quite a different story and intent.

Gilead is an odd book. I was at once dazzled by Robinson�s skill � the very idea of writing a fictional memoir in this manner seems daunting for the quantity of esoteric information that must be assembled to make it work � and mystified by its apparent lack of direction. Not a word is off or wasted. There is evidence of careful planning. And yet the telling of the story, such as there is a story, seems almost arbitrary. I feel like I�m missing something. But much sticks in the memory � small images, whole stories, the blend of spirituality and history. It�s definitely a worthy read.

This morning�s water aerobics class was well attended and my students worked hard. It�s nice to start the day with a sense of accomplishment. I spent the rest of the morning trying to write a cover letter for a teaching position. I hate this stuff. I hope it gets easier as I write a few more of them. AJ is snoring in his room. We�re hoping to attend a minor league ball game this evening. As a result, AJ�s been wandering around the house all morning singing �Take me out to the ball game� with a big grin on his face. I love summer.

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