
Claudia - 2006-07-27 10:48:19
Congrats. And, I'd take that class if you taught it. Just let me know where to show up.
Smed - 2006-07-27 10:52:53
I think you and I could write the textbook on angst!
Harriet - 2006-07-27 10:53:25
Well, it would have to be in a bar with a good beer list, of course!
Kelley2 - 2006-07-27 11:23:29
Count me in - although add good vodka to the list as well. Angst is omnipresent in my life. Congratulations on the conference acceptance!! You do realize you're becoming established, don't you?
Julia - 2006-07-28 00:38:42
Congratulations! I think that would be a good class. Writing a dissertation sounds hard. I'm glad I'm unmotivated enough to never do that, and am in awe of people like you who actually do.

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